my friends at mbfw - louisa

i just met louisa at fw but i really fell for her personality and her style and despite that she is 4 years younger than me, i felt an instant connection.

it really is sad, that she lives in a different city but i want to visit her some day and she is always welcome here.
plus. me is so sad that i didn't take a picture of her outfit on saturday but i bet she or nam will upload one soon.

3 Kommentare:

  1. oh nadine, wie unendlich süß du bist! Ich bin sau froh dich kennengelernt zu haben.Ich will wieder zurück nach Berliiiiiiiiiiiin.Du bist immer hier in Hannover herzlich willkommen und ich hoffe dich bald wiedersehen zu können, süße:*


spread the l♥ve.