come baby let's make this exeption! ♪

I am literally just dying due to boredom right now. Why does this stupid episode of The Rachel Zoe Project take that long to load? I just started watching it (well I am at the 2nd episode..) and I want to go to bed already. School starts early tomorrow.

Anyways. I can use the time I have right now better than just sitting around and doing nothing.
As you guys surely have noticed is that I rarely post pictures from a special brand like from a catalogue or anything.
And I never posted any runway pictures either..
Hey all three lines started with an 'a' , yeah me!

but this time I do not have a choice. I must show you this.

First I layed an eye on this on Kindom of Style and saved the link to post it here. I just did not know when I will have time.

If I knew this shade of nude would fit me in any way I would start to save up to buy this beauty, but unfortunately I know I would not be able to get the best out of it. This way I still can admire it from far...

Ah damnit this post took quite much time but still the episode did not load that much further.. I guess I will just skip it and watch it tomorrow. Sounds like a good idea tu me, huh?

Good night sweethearts ♥

3 Kommentare:

  1. GORGEOUS pics! i want that dress, it's fantastic. great post! :)



  2. incredible dress! Actually, I wouldn't mind getting my hands on the boots she has on either


  3. your blog is simply amazing....that's all i can say....simply amazing....
    love your eyes



spread the l♥ve.