my bag my bag my bag

my face looks horrible in this one. bet i was still thinking about a position when the photographer took it. gnaaaah.
it's from wednesday, when i went to a DIY event from Etsy with my friend Geany.

ayways, in it you can see the bag i did at the event. it's nothing big but since i am a minimalist sometimes i just made one with my blogname and a 'n' on the upside.
they way i wrote the blogname was a little accident but i like it.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  2. great things always happy accidentally. ♥

  3. ich kann immernoch nicht diesen hype um die leinentaschen da verstehen. je sais pas. aber eine bemalen würd ich trotzdem gern mal. :D


spread the l♥ve.