i don't ca-a-a-are a-are oder so

unless you didn't notice it, i changed the font of my site so the links appear uppercase)

today, i met up with anna once again, what surprise.

first we just wandered around kudamm but weren't able to buy sunglasses to protect our blinded (i refuse to use 'to dazzle'. got'ya fu*kers) eyes because there weren't any that caressed our faces.

instead we sat and drank our beer and talked. talked a lot which i appreciate everytime we meet.
later we got dinner at ishin, a japanese restaurant where got to unleash our urge to take pictures of everything again. same procedure as every time, james. (mostly because she still has her friends dslr camera)

3 Kommentare:

  1. ich seh die Sushi Bilder und bekomm wieder hunger...maaan xD

  2. oh wurde im ishin aufgenommen? :D
    war so von dir eingenommen <3
    da muss ich auch mal wieder hin


spread the l♥ve.