the best thing about a picture is that it never changes evenwhen the people in it do.

you can't imagine how happy i am right now. i have both sound AND internet back again. but still no photoshop altough i installed everything again. at least i could edit the pictures i took monday at annas place. yup, we met up and i could take some nice pictures of her. normally i would edit them more, like reducing the saturation and so on but.. well i told you more than once about that problem.

so let me introduce to you once more: anna.

5 Kommentare:

  1. jetzt isst du schon dich selbst.

  2. von wo ist das gestreifte shirt? soo schööön!
    coole fotos!!
    love, carlinka

  3. Ich esse alles *O*

    Das shirt ist von H&M :)

    Ich sollte es mir auf die stirn drucken lassen, so oft wie ich gefragt werde xDD


spread the l♥ve.