2010-07-06 esmod fashion show

attended the esmod fashion show today with some friends.
anna, marlene, thomas (as model), adrian and some more.

i really liked some of the alumni's collections and will try to get my hands on some pictures to show you. and yeah, my english sucks today, you noticed? gonna have fuuuun in london. booh.

shirt new yorker skirt H&M bag a-lab milano shoes anarchic necklace diy
taken by anna

they're preeeeetty old. around 4-5 years now? plan to buy full black suede ones in london

she wore those awesome platue peep toes i want to buy after london and this amaaazing coat. should've asked which brand it was

and yup that's my standard-pose.

1 Kommentar:

  1. war auch da. insgesamt eine schöne show. werde mal schauen ob meine schnappschüsse was geworden sind ;)


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