come baby let's make this exeption! ♪

I am literally just dying due to boredom right now. Why does this stupid episode of The Rachel Zoe Project take that long to load? I just started watching it (well I am at the 2nd episode..) and I want to go to bed already. School starts early tomorrow.

Anyways. I can use the time I have right now better than just sitting around and doing nothing.
As you guys surely have noticed is that I rarely post pictures from a special brand like from a catalogue or anything.
And I never posted any runway pictures either..
Hey all three lines started with an 'a' , yeah me!

but this time I do not have a choice. I must show you this.

First I layed an eye on this on Kindom of Style and saved the link to post it here. I just did not know when I will have time.

If I knew this shade of nude would fit me in any way I would start to save up to buy this beauty, but unfortunately I know I would not be able to get the best out of it. This way I still can admire it from far...

Ah damnit this post took quite much time but still the episode did not load that much further.. I guess I will just skip it and watch it tomorrow. Sounds like a good idea tu me, huh?

Good night sweethearts ♥


I got the mic and you got the moshpit ♪

I started to translate my posts into english since I feel the urgent need to practise more.
English still is one of the most beautiful languages in the world for me and sometimes I even feel it easier to express myself with than german. Strange since german is my mother tongue, huh?

Anyways, I am still not done with more than 3 entrys or such because of the lack of free time.. well there is free time but it is eaten up by watching True Blood online, watching O.C. California Season 2 and the radio play of Twilight*. All of then in english beause of the reasons I already explained. I plan to pass my A-levels in english. It's my major course.

Well here I bring some pictures to you I took today as I went to a cocoa picnic I prepared with my friend Marlene and Olga as surprise ! (You should really check out Marlenes blog!)

Olgas stuff and Marlene with her brand new Zara pregnant coat!

wearing H&M all over besides my necklace and two rings

creeeepy !

*p.s.: as for twilight I have to say I kind of enjoy listening,reading and watching it but looking at it for real makes me thing it is the worst crap ever. and actually, it is. everyone who thinks that twilight is a great novel more than a story about a masochistic barbie vampire wanting to eat this mental retarded girl is really fucked up. sorry but thats my opinion.


he stands alone because he's high on himself

Ich weiss. Ich war schon wieder still für zu lange.
But they say a blogger should never excuse for being lazy.

Wenigstens habe ich was für euch nach dieser Zeit!
Endlich habe ich unser Stativ ausprobiert.. also keine Spiegelfotos!
Aber immernoch keine guten Ganzkörperbilder.. dafür muss ich erst noch den richtigen Platz und die Zeit finden.. meistens entstehen meine Bilder kurz bevor ich zur Schule muss.

Und jetzt ein kleines Schmankerl für euch !
Viel zu schnell und zu unordentlich aber es war mein erster Versuch. So enjoy!

cardigan avanti shirt leggins H&M skirt selfmade

Ich weiss, Kontrast etc. bei den Bildern ist sehr unterschiedlich, ich arbeite noch an dem was meine Bilder in meinen Augen dem näher bringt was ich will.


there is this urgent feeling~~

Jaja ich weiss, ich weiss. Jedesmal dasselbe.

Spiegelfotos sind böse, das wissen wir alle.. aber was tun wenn man keine Zeit hat und keinen zur Hand der schnell einen Schnappschuss machen könnte?

Dann endet man doch wieder vor dem Spiegel, diese Misere kennt doch jeder hier, oder Mädels?

Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn..

cardigan new yorker shirt bag H&M shoes anarchic

oversized shirt - new yorker

'Warum immer das Bad?'
Weil da das beste Licht ist und selbst Fotos ohne Blitz nie verwackeln !
Ich verspreche euch auch bald wieder für richtige Fotos zu sorgen..


danke an alle Kommentarschreiber. Ich freue mich über jeden einzelnen ! ♥